There are a lot of wrong ideas about what community is in our culture. Let’s discover true Biblical community together.
The Need For Community
As followers of Jesus, do we really need Christian community?
Ushering In The Kingdom
We look forward to the time Jesus will return in the flesh and discuss our role in the earth until that day.
The True Reason For The Season
We are challenged not to miss the real reason for the Christmas season.
The Christmas Story Continues
The Christmas Story didn’t stop 2000 years ago. It continues today.
Spiritual Gifts of Healings and Miracles
A message on the gifts of Healings and Miracles
Spiritual Gifts of Teaching and Evangelism
A message on the gifts of Teaching and Evangelism
Spiritual Gifts of Discernment, Knowledge and Wisdom
A message on the gifts of Discernment, Knowledge and Wisdom
Spiritual Gifts of Tongues and Interpretation
A message on the gifts of Tongues and Interpretation
Spiritual Gift of Prophecy
A message about the Spiritual Gift of Prophecy
Spiritual Gifts of Shepherding, Apostleship and Leadership
A message on the gifts of Shepherding, Apostleship and Leadership.
Spiritual Gifts of Faith, Giving and Exhortation
A message on the gifts of Faith, Giving and Exhortation
Spiritual Gifts of Service and Mercy
We take a look at the gifts of Service and Mercy
Spiritual Gifts with Maturity
Spiritual gifts can be incredibly dangerous without maturity.
Spiritual Gifts Overview
An introduction to our Spiritual Gifts series.